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Assignment 1 - Field Observations

Spring Creek 
Providence Canyon
Logan, UT

Spring Creek is a straight, single-channel river in a confined mountain valley setting. It is an erosion dominated river, with rapid water movement, coarse substrate, and steep elevation change.


Bed material ranges from a course gravel (1-3 cm) to cobbles (10-25 cm). Larger boulders are also present occasionally.


Suspended sediment is not visible in the water column.


Vegetation is dense on the surrounding river banks and organic debris is common within the channel.


Steep river banks and moss presence well above the current water level indicate periods of higher flow.


Overview of Stream Sinuosity

Blue line represents the river channel, red pin is where the cross section was taken.


Estimated Channel Cross-Section

Coarse gravel was dominant along the sides of the channel and on on the mid channel bar. Cobbles were dominant in deeper areas where the water was moving more rapidy.

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Jens Ammon     Utah State University

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